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New York City is famous for its food, people, and especially its landmarks. What better way to enjoy these historic sights and breathtaking views than to see them clearly? LASIK may help you achieve 20/20 vision or better, and greatly reduce your need for glasses or contacts, so you won’t need to worry about losing or damaging them on your next trip to the Big Apple. Here’s a list of 6 places in NYC that you can’t miss!

1. Empire State Building
Let’s start with an obvious one: the Empire State Building. The 1,250-foot building, a defining feature of the New York skyline, was finished with construction in 1931. You can see up to five states (New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) from the top of the Empire State Building on a clear day (and with good vision.) Our office is within walking distance. If you don’t want to miss out on the incomparable view, consider seeing our very own NYC LASIK specialist, Dr. Ken Moadel!

2. Broadway
If you enjoy theater or performing arts, you have heard of Broadway. It is located between 41st and 54th, and is known to produce some of the most well-received (and sometimes controversial) shows in the world. Shows on Broadway can be expensive, averaging at around $100 per ticket, and they only become more expensive and harder to get as you near the front row. LASIK may help you see clearly from any distance, so you can get your money’s worth from every show.

3. Central Park
Central Park is a bastion of peace and nature inside the bustling urban sprawl that is NYC. Its manmade design includes ponds, 29 different sculptures, and even a massive merry-go-round that once belonged to Coney Island. Speaking of which…

4. Coney Island 
If you like carnivals and fairs, then Coney Island is a must-see. See all of the thrilling, bright colors of the boardwalk or gaze at the city lights from the top of the 150ft high Ferris Wheel at night. As amazing as it is, Coney isn’t the only island worth visiting.

5. Ellis Island
A big part of the city’s history is the fact that it is where a huge number of immigrants flocked to, which largely influenced the culture and diversity of New York City. Ellis Island houses a large immigration center, which processed the first immigrant, a teenage girl named Annie Moore, on January 1, 1892. Come see with clear vision all of the history that makes this city so amazing.

6. Statue of Liberty
The first thing that many immigrants coming to America saw was the Statue of Liberty. It is possible to go up to the crown of the statue and see a spectacular view of the city skyline. From her foundation to the tip of her crown, she stands at over 305 feet tall, and is an inspiration that can only be fully appreciated in person.

Don’t compromise on clear vision when you come to visit this magnificent city. Is LASIK right for you? The only way to find out is to schedule a LASIK consultation with Dr. Ken Moadel. To schedule your LASIK consultation, contact our Manhattan, NYC location today!

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Our Address
Moadel Eye Specialists of New York
‍110 East 40th Street, Fl 6
New York, NY 10016
