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How Long After Nursing Do I Have To Wait To Have LASIK?

Mother and child smiling after LASIK

LASIK is a safe elective procedure. This is because of the precautions surgeons take to ensure the success of the operation.

To receive LASIK, you must meet its qualifications and be a good candidate for the procedure. Keep reading to learn more about LASIK candidacy factors and how pregnancy plays a role!

Pregnancy and LASIK Don’t Go Together

One thing that may prevent you from receiving LASIK, unfortunately, is pregnancy. The reality is that pregnancy messes with your hormones too much.

When you’re pregnant it causes your hormones to fluctuate. Fluctuating hormones then make your vision unpredictable and apt to change.

Stable vision is a must for a successful LASIK surgery. Can you imagine getting LASIK and then your vision changes after? This would negate the procedure when your vision returns to its normal state. It would be a waste of time and money.

If you are pregnant, you cannot get LASIK during this time. In fact, surgeons recommend waiting at least two to six months after breastfeeding.

At this point, your vision should be more stabilized and you can see if you’re a candidate for LASIK. Another thing to consider is if you want to have any more kids.

Any pregnancy you have could cause your vision to change because of your hormones. To be safest, it makes the most sense to not get LASIK unless you know you are done having children.

Other LASIK Candidacy Requirements

Pregnancy is not the only thing that could be holding you back from a glasses-free life. This is why you must have a LASIK consultation. This consultation is the only way to know if you’re a candidate for LASIK.

We go over your health, medical history, eye conditions, and other factors during this.

Your health can factor into LASIK due to its effect on your ability to recover. Diseases like diabetes or autoimmune disorders block your body’s ability to recuperate. If you have these conditions, it could prevent you from LASIK until they are under control.

If you have had surgery in the past or otherwise have scarred corneas, LASIK may not be the right procedure for you. If you have genetic traits like large pupils or your prescription is too severe, LASIK may not be safe for you. There are other surgeries with similar success rates that may suit your needs.

If you’re not a candidate, the surgeon will discuss other vision correction options. If your corneas are not thick enough then LASIK could cause complications. It is important to have a normal amount of corneal thickness, as LASIK removes a small amount of tissue.

This is necessary when reshaping the cornea and correcting any refractive errors. Getting LASIK when you have corneas that are too thin could result in complications.

Want to find out if you could be a LASIK candidate? The only way is to schedule a LASIK consultation!  Schedule yours at New York Eye Specialists in New York City, NY! Isn’t it time to say goodbye to the confines of glasses and contacts, once and for all?

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Moadel Eye Specialists of New York
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New York, NY 10016
