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iLASIK™ is a type of LASIK eye surgery that has been pioneered and perfected by AMO/VISX and Intralase technology. Despite the fact that traditional LASIK has helped millions of people see without the dependence on glasses or contact lenses LASIK was not a perfect procedure. Although many people that had traditional LASIK had no problems, ophthalmologists and engineers were eager to perfect this vision correction procedure.


With over a decade of research and clinical results, LASIK Doctors and industry experts sought a more predictable solution. iLASIK now provides this solution. By combining CustomVue Wavefront technology with VISX™ Star4 active tracking capability and a blade-free femtosecond laser for an ALL-laser LASIK, we can now achieve a more precise result. The technology used in the iLASIK procedure has been thoroughly tested and scrutinized by doctors who overwhelmingly claim the advantages in precision. It is clear now that iLASIK truly represents a technological combination in vision correction.

Wavelight Suite

Because the iLASIK procedure has brought together a unique combination of technology that leads to safer more predictable results NASA has recently approved the Intralase Method. It was not until LASIK was developed into an ALL-LASER method using a femtosecond laser for the cutting of the corneal flap that NASA considered approving LASIK for the eyes of the United States Astronauts and space program candidates. The military and NASA together conducted extensive research of the Intralase Femtosecond laser.


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Moadel Eye Specialists of New York
‍110 East 40th Street, Fl 6
New York, NY 10016
