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Eye Doctors & LASIK Specialists in Manhattan, NY

Located in the heart of Manhattan, New York, the eye doctors and LASIK surgeons at New York Eye Specialists offer Tri-State residents high-quality laser vision correction services. Dr. Moadel’s practice is devoted to performing laser vision correction. Since the practice was founded in 1995, he has focused solely on laser vision correction. As a cornea specialist, Dr. Moadel has spent his entire career improving the lives of thousands of people through laser vision correction. The surgical skills of Dr. Moadel have been sought after by patients as far away as Japan, South America, and Europe. Are you ready to achieve visual freedom once and for all? Schedule your LASIK consultation at New York Eye Specialists today!

Schedule FREE Consultation

Schedule a consultation or pre-operative exam today to find out if you qualify for LASIK.

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Are You a Candidate for LASIK?

Take Our Online LASIK Self-Test.

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Enter your information to have a representative from Moadel Eye Specialists of New York contact you to schedule an appointment.

Contact Us

Our Address
Moadel Eye Specialists of New York
‍110 East 40th Street, Fl 6
New York, NY 10016
