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Custom LASIK

Illustration Showing Custom LASIK Surgery

LASIK in New York City is a popular elective vision care procedure that can possibly reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses. For many patients, Dr. Moadel feels that CustomVue technology (also referred to as Wavescan technology) offers his patients the best option for laser vision correction. Wavefront Technology is also commonly called Custom LASIK eye surgery. Essentially, wavefront technology involves taking a “digitized” image of the patient’s eye including the corneal contour. These measurements are made at a computer station known as the Wavescan. A Wavescan image is analogous to taking a digital photograph of the eye. These digital images are then transferred to the laser where a unique treatment can be created tailored to the patient’s eye shape.

Wavefront 4 Wavefront technology enables the physician to measure and correct unique imperfections in a patient’s eye. Many of these subtle imperfections could not be measured nor corrected before the introduction of this technology. Studies have shown that Customvue improves the sharpness of vision and decreases possible nighttime side effects.

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Wavefront Machine

Wavefront technology was initially developed under the guidance of NASA and was applied to astronomy and physics to aid in reducing aberrations or imperfections in the optical systems of telescopes and laser devices. This technology was then tested, researched and applied to optical imperfections of the human eye. The technology itself works to measure higher-order imperfections of the eye. Conventional LASIK did a great job at correcting lower-order aberrations (nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism), however, did not address imperfections known as higher-order aberrations. Higher-order aberrations are imperfections that cannot be corrected with glasses, contacts or even traditional LASIK surgery. Wavefront technology addresses these types of visual imperfections.

However, the decision of whether or not to use CustomVue technology is complex and varies from individual to individual. During your evaluation here at our center in New York, you will receive a thorough eye examination, during which Dr. Moadel can direct you to which treatment would be best for your individual eyes.

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Moadel Eye Specialists of New York
‍110 East 40th Street, Fl 6
New York, NY 10016
