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What is a Cataract

The human Eye has a transparent lens called the Crystalline that helps focus to see near and far. Cataract is the partial or total opacity of the lens. Clouding causes light to scatter inside the eye and prevents focusing, creating fuzzy images. It is the most common cause of blindness treatable with surgery.

Causes of Cataracts

  • Age
  • Accidents
  • Hereditary
  • Medicines
  • Radiation

Cataract Treatment

  • Surgery
  • In the procedure, the cataract is removed and replaced by an intraocular lens that offers clearer vision.

Cataract surgery can be done at any point in the development of the cataract as long as it affects the quality of life. It is an outpatient surgery and uses local anesthesia. The vast majority of patients achieve proper or better-corrected vision after surgery. The procedure takes 20 minutes, it does not hurt.


We use the latest technology and offer laser-assisted procedure, which helps our surgeons break the cataract into fragments, making it easier to remove the cataract, which offers a more precise and safe result, and the recovery is faster. Also, this laser helps to eliminate low astigmatisms, helping a better vision.

Types of Intraocular Lenses

  • Basic or standard. Usually the patient will need glasses for near and / or distance.
  • Toric or astigmatism correction. It offers better vision by far.
  • Multifocal, offers normal vision from far and basic for near as cell phone, computer.

Common Questions

  • How long does the procedure take? The procedure takes only 20 minutes, and we do it in our own surgery room dedicated to cataract surgery.
  • Do I need to be completely asleep for the procedure? We use local anesthesia in the form of drops and administer a pain reliever for the comfort of the patient, it is not necessary to use intravenous injection or general anesthesia.
  • I have a cataract in both eyes, can I have the procedure the same day? It is advisable to do one eye at a time, usually a couple of weeks you can do the second eye procedure.
  • When does it take to recover from the procedure? Most of our patients feel visually functional 24 hours after the procedure. They can do physical activities 1 week after the procedure.
  • Will I depend on glasses or goggles after the procedure? It greatly depends on the type of intraocular implant that is chosen. We have several options depending on the type of visual goals you have.
  • What are the risks of cataract surgery? All types of medical procedures have risks; after cataract surgery, basic care must be taken for proper care and recovery. The most common risks are infection, inflammation, and a laser treatment to clean the lens capsule.
  • Is the procedure very expensive? Most health insurances cover the costs related to surgery, exams and anesthesia and basic monofocal intraocular lens. For premium services such as specialty intraocular lenses and laser assisted surgery we offer payment and financing plans to fit every budget.

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Our Address
Moadel Eye Specialists of New York
‍110 East 40th Street, Fl 6
New York, NY 10016
