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The doctors, patients, and staff of Moadel Eye Specialists of New York are committed to providing quality and affordable eye solutions for laser vision correction in New York City. Dr. Moadel’s decades of laser vision correction experience and pioneering spirit have brought him several accolades that may be of interest. Below are some of the reasons to come see us for a FREE patient evaluation regarding LASIK vision correction.

About Moadel Eye Specialists of New York

  • Experience. Experience. Experience. Dr. Moadel has completed over 100,000 surgeries and has accumulated ten years of specialization in laser vision correction. Patients have traveled from as far as Japan, South America, and Europe to access Dr. Moadel’s surgical skills.
  • Personalized Care. Dr. Moadel is personally involved in your care from the consultation to the procedure.
  • Focus. Dr. Moadel’s specialized practice is focused on performing laser vision correction procedures. Laser vision correction has been his only focus since the practice was founded in 1995. Dr. Moadel is a corneal specialist and has dedicated his entire career to improving the lives of thousands of patients through laser vision correction.
  • Conservatism. It is common for patients who are found to be LASIK candidates elsewhere to be determined non-candidates by our practice.
  • Technology. Dr. Moadel utilizes advanced FDA approved LASIK technology at Moadel Eye Specialists of New York including “bladeless” LASIK and CustomVue technology.

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Schedule a consultation or pre-operative exam today to find out if you qualify for LASIK.

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Are You a Candidate for LASIK?

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Contact Us

Our Address
Moadel Eye Specialists of New York
‍110 East 40th Street, Fl 6
New York, NY 10016
